How managed backup solves an important challenge

How managed backup solves an important challenge Image


Business data is essential to a company’s continued success, and preserving that data is, therefore, just as important. If your data center hardware fails, if a cryptolocker attack occurs, if someone in the company makes a foolish mistake, the only way to recover lost data is with a reliable backup solution. Consider that only 21% of businesses have a contingency plan in the event of a ransomware attach, and only 11% can recover crucial data and apps within three days after the attack. Yet, as important as backup technology is, it can be a challenge for companies to deploy, maintain, and regularly test their backup solution. By not doing so, they put their whole company at risk. For these reasons and more, companies ranging from the SMB to the enterprise are turning to a managed backup approach by partnering with a reliable managed service provider.

Consider that only 21% of businesses have a contingency plan in the event of a ransomware attack, and only 11% can recover crucial data and apps within three days after the attack. Do you have the tools and knowledge to set your business or org apart?

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